The Benefits of Using Photodynamic Therapy in Cancer Treatment

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The Benefits of Using Photodynamic Therapy in Cancer Treatment

From various immunotherapies to Photodynamic therapy (PDT), researchers and scientists have found various kinds of treatments for cancer. In this episode, we will explore the benefits of using PDT. Please find the link in the description for a previous episode on PDT.

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PDT can be used to treat various kinds of cancer, such as lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and skin cancer. One of the benefits of PDT is that it does not cause long-term side effects if applied using the right procedure.

PDT, or Photodynamic Therapy, is a treatment that uses light-activated drugs to treat a cancer patient. Cancer patients generally have to go through two or more sessions of treatment. Light-activated drugs are applied to the skin in the first session, which is followed by exposing cancer to specific lights designed to cure cancer in the second session. The intervening period between the first and the second sessions is referred to as drug-to-light interval. Depending on the condition of the patient, more sessions may be advised by the medical practitioner.

The benefits of PDT

PDT has an array of benefits. Let’s explore some of them:

One: No long-term side effects

One of the many benefits of using PDT is that it comes with no Long-term side effects. Unlike traditional treatments, where there is always a danger of long-term side effects, PDT can be used to treat patients without expecting long-term side effects; however, the treatment must be carried out by following the correct procedure.

Two: It is targeted

Targeted therapy has become the norm of the day. Any kind of targeted therapy is more precise because the drugs are applied only in the affected areas of the body. PDT is a type of treatment that is immensely precise and combats cancer in a quick time.

Three: It is cost-effective

It is not hidden from the world how costly treating cancer can be. Although there have been many new developments in cancer research, the cost of treatment is high. Not only is PDT highly effective in combating cancer, it is also less costly.

While it is true that PDT has an array of benefits, it does have some areas of concern.

An article published on the American Cancer Society mentions the following: 

“Sometimes PDT treatments can make the immune system work differently, usually by stimulating it to work more. Sometimes it can become weaker for period of time. In very rare cases, PDT can cause skin cancer at the site where treatment was given. Some researchers believe this happens if the immune system is weakened by PDT.”

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