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Atal Innovation Mission (AIM): Revolutionizing Education through Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL)

AIM is not just a program; it is a government policy that aims to revolutionize education. With the establishment of Atal Tinkering Labs in...

Pashudhan Kshetr mein transformation- An insight into the Credit Guarantee Scheme

Pashudhan Kshetr mein transformation- An insight into the Credit Guarantee Scheme पशुधन क्षेत्र में परिवर्तन: क्रेडिट गारंटी योजना पर एक अंतर्दृष्टि Haal hi mein ek khabar...

I2U2: India, Israel, the US and the UAE Announces Joint Space Venture

Following India’s successful lunar mission, the I2U2 nations have announced a joint space mission. The I2U2 is a grouping of four nations where ‘I’ represents...

Backbenchers Theory by Mr. Shankar Uttam Chandani | hu chu Mr. Shankar | A Story from Zero to Hero

Backbenchers मैनेजमेंट व्यवसाय के विकास और सफलता में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है, और मैंने मिलकर बात की है भारतीय व्यापारी Mr. शंकर उत्तम...

Why the Growing Bilateral Relations between Saudi Arabia and India are of Immense Geopolitical Significance

Why the Growing Bilateral Relations between Saudi Arabia and India are of Immense Geopolitical Significance The bilateral relationship between India and Saudi Arabia has grown...

How Robust Rural Ecosystems Will Enhance the Nation’s Economic Growth

Linking rural communities with solutions that are productive will help build robust ecosystems in the villages of India. In this episode, we will focus...

