Are Brahman and Atman the Same? Part-1


The Upanishads and the Vedanta speak about the relationship between the Brahman and the Atman in great detail. While the concept is extremely complicated, the enlightened masters of the past have tried to create simplified theories regarding the two. Only a person who has realized the self through various modes of yoga knows what Brahman and Atman are.

Are Brahman and Atman the Same? – Part One

Brahman is the Universal Self and Atman is the individual self. While Brahman and Atman have some differences, the two are one and the same thing. We will try to understand the relationship between Brahman and Atman in this two-part series.

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The Upanishads and the Vedanta speak about the relationship between the Brahman and the Atman in great detail. While the concept is extremely complicated, the enlightened masters of the past have tried to create simplified theories regarding the two. Only a person who has realized the self through various modes of yoga knows what Brahman and Atman are.

In this episode, we will try to understand What Brahman and Atman are.

What is Brahman?

The Upanishads are the cream of Sanatan philosophy. The Upanishads are found in the Vedanta portion of the Vedas. Vedanta is a Sanskrit word that means the end of the Vedanta or the goal of the Vedas. The Upanishads bring all the knowledge of the Vedas together. From Brahadarankya to Chandogoya to Vajrasuchika, Upanishad speaks about the ultimate reality in great detail.

Brahman cannot be explained in words and can only be realized through various yogas. An illumined yogi can help a practitioner attain this realization through Nirvikalpa Samadhi. What is Nirvikalpa Samadhi? It is a state where the yogi fully realizes the true nature of Brahman. For common people like us, it is absolutely impossible to realize what Brahman really is.

Brahman is all prevalent, unknowable, and unfathomable. Everything exists in Brahman, but it is free from everything.

What is Atman?

If Brahman is the universal soul then Atman is the individual soul. Everything that exists has a soul or Atman. Enlightened gurus are of the opinion that the individual soul and the universal soul are one and the same thing. A yogi who goes deep into Nirvikilpa Samadhi sees the inner Atman as the Brahman and realizes “Aham Brahmasami” or “I am he.”

An article published on Hindu Blog mentions the following:

“Realization of Atman and Brahman is the spiritual goal in Sanatana Dharma. Only this can lead to bliss. Scholarly approach and mere study of scriptures will not take us to our goal. This has to be realized. We have to realize that by individual effort.

 The goal of one’s life should be to come face to face with the source of all speech, the source of all Thought — the Brahman. That requires one to annihilate the mind by going to its root, ignorance. (Prabuddha Bharata)

It is through individual self that we realize the universal self.”

In the next episode we will explore the relationship between Brahman and Atman.

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