A bitter truth of untouchability and discrimination.

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A bitter truth of untouchability and discrimination.

The recent suicide of a Dalit graduate student of chemical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology IIT Bombay has brought to the fore the issue of discrimination faced by students from underprivileged communities in this premier institute.

In which the investigation committee of the institute did not find any evidence of direct discrimination but it is important to understand this small and continuous process of discrimination which is seen continuously on a daily level which is seen continuously in society which creates a rift between you and us. And harmony is not allowed to be established.

What is the main reason? 

The main reason for discrimination in any field is the hierarchy of the campus, the role of rank in the entrance examination, and the special effect of branch and caste, under which we can keep upper caste and lower caste as well, all this is also the main reason for Aryaman power. Reasons, especially what I have in common, influence people the most, with initial considerations taking into account social networks, affluence, prejudices and hardships, and countless other factors.

Doing challenging work in science is a continuous process of establishing action-work relationships for differentiation.

Coming to the role of meritocracy, the discussion on discrimination in IITs needs to be focused on the idea of meritocracy as meritocracy creates implicit assumptions that certify people to discriminate and people treat students in different fields. create discrimination.

Planet Sun means those feelings accumulated in any person due to which he has positive and negative suggestions towards any person or group. Generally, prejudice is formed in the mind of a person based on the circumstances in which he lives during social development. 

However, the absence of tools to establish causation should not be used as evidence to deny the existence of discrimination.

Discrimination takes various forms and is encountered in daily life which creates an environment of “us” and “them” in the society.

It is subtle, seemingly innocuous, and initially expressed on a subtle level such as with a smile, a wince, a hand gesture, or just silence.

In this matter, we can say that a person affected by prejudice, being unaware of the reality, starts behaving in a discriminatory manner towards a particular group and people, which has a deep impact on his mind.

Role of meritocracy in discrimination:

The discussion on discrimination in IITs needs to focus on the idea of merit, because it is the underlying notion of merit that gives license to discriminate.

Some upper caste students at IITs, knowingly or unknowingly, are characterized by a form of egotism about merit that Michael Sandel calls “credential bias“.

This happens when elites tend to “put down those who rise.” Such an approach “reduces social recognition and respect for those who lack the credibility to reward the system.”

In the end, it is concluded that the issue of discrimination which has come to the fore in IITs is very deeply rooted and needs to be addressed especially at multiple levels. IITs in particular should move forward by providing an equal opportunity.

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