When Neptune forms a square to your natal Sun, it introduces a challenging period to your life. This transit brings a mix of confusion and personal growth.
Neptune is a planet connected with dreams, imagination, and spirituality. It also deals with illusions and situations where things aren’t what they seem. When Neptune interacts with your Sun, it influences how you see yourself and your life.
The Sun in your birth chart represents your core identity, your confidence, and how you express yourself. It’s about who you are at your very centre.
So, what happens during a square? A square is a 90-degree angle between two planets. It creates tension and requires you to face challenges. When Neptune squares your natal Sun, it can feel like you’re not sure who you are or what you want.
You might feel unsure of yourself. Things that used to make sense may seem unclear. You may discover that some of your beliefs or goals are unrealistic. This is a time to let go of fantasies that aren’t serving you. You might feel more emotional or sensitive to others’ needs. This can also deepen your spiritual awareness. Though it can be disorienting, this transit encourages you to reflect on what truly matters to you. Clarity comes from facing the confusion head-on.
Stay grounded. Focus on practical tasks, and don’t rush decisions. Use this time to explore your inner self. While it may feel difficult, Neptune square the Sun helps you grow and discover a more authentic version of yourself.