Tamil Nadu School Pongal Holidays 2025: The Tamil Nadu government has announced a five-day holiday for all schools, colleges, and government offices in celebration of Pongal 2025. Pongal, which falls on January 14, will be followed by Thiruvalluvar Day and Uzhavar Thirunal on January 15 and 16, respectively. On Saturday, the government declared January 17 as an additional holiday in response to widespread requests from various sections of the state.
In a press release, an official stated, “Pongal festival falls on January 14 and will be followed by holidays on January 15, 16, 18, and 19. Many government employees and students travel to their native places to celebrate Pongal. Considering their requests, the government has declared January 17 as a holiday.”
Pongal Holidays 2025: Check complete schedule of holidays below
Tamil Nadu School Pongal Holidays 2025: Jan 25 to be working-day in lieu of Jan 17
To make up for the additional holiday on January 17, all government offices and educational institutions in Tamil Nadu will remain operational on January 25. The extended holiday period aims to facilitate smooth travel for families returning to their hometowns to celebrate Pongal, a festival that holds immense cultural significance in the state.
Check official notice below