Bollywood’s beloved power couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, were spotted at Mumbai airport earlier today, but it wasn’t their coordinated outfits or effortless style that stole the show. Instead, it was Ranveer’s heartfelt plea to paparazzi that captured everyone’s attention. The actor requested photographers to maintain a distance and avoid taking more pictures, as their baby daughter, Dua, was sleeping in the car.
Ranveer’s gentle and protective request showcased the couple’s grounded nature as new parents. Netizens were quick to praise his humility and maturity. One comment read, “How sweetly requesting… good guy,” while another added, “The way he asks reporters to understand is so adorable and mature.
Ranveer Singh, the best humble.” Fans also gushed over their bond, calling them “the power couple of Bollywood.”
Since the birth of their daughter Dua last year, Deepika and Ranveer have seamlessly transitioned into their roles as doting parents.
Despite the parental focus, Deepika and Ranveer served major fashion goals, proving once again why they are one of the most stylish couples in the industry. Deepika exuded sophistication in a black-and-white striped oversized shirt paired with wide-legged navy blue pants.
She kept her look minimal yet chic, accessorizing with oversized sunglasses, a sleek bun, and a statement gold watch. Her radiant smile added an effortless charm to her travel look.
Ranveer matched Deepika’s understated elegance with his all-black outfit. He paired a relaxed-fit shirt with a casual black T-shirt and wide-legged pants, showcasing his signature style while keeping it comfortable for travel.