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The Reality Behind India’s Relation with Saudi Arabia

Known for his foreign policies, PM Modi has added yet another feather in his hat by strengthening the bilateral relations between Indian and Saudi...

Stories from the Middle East: The Lebanese Government Predicament  

The opposing ideologies of Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and Hezbollah in postwar Lebanon left this Middle Eastern country to pieces. In this episode, we...

Stories from the Middle East: The Lebanese Government Predicament  

The opposing ideologies of Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and Hezbollah in postwar Lebanon left this Middle Eastern country to pieces. In this episode, we...

यूक्रेन में अमेरिका की इस ताकतवर मिसाइल के सामने रूस की हाइपरसोनिक मिसाइल फेल, जानिए क्या है इसकी खासियत?

अभी हाल में ही यूक्रेन ने रूस की हाइपरसोनिक किंझल मिसाइल को पैट्रियट से मार गिराने का दावा किया है। अमेरिका सतह से हवा...

The Middle East and its History

The Middle East and its History The modern borders of the Middle East began taking shape after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the...

The Syrian Crisis: Twelve Years of Civil War

From more than half the prewar population being displaced to hundreds of thousands of Syrians being killed, Syria today is gripped by actors with irreconcilable and opposing interests.

Causes of Conflict in the Middle East

The growing complexity of instability in the Middle East negatively impacts the countries of this region. While the Middle East and North Africa or MENA only have 5 percent of the world’s population, the media attention the region has received in the last three decades is unimaginable.

