Kangana Ranaut opened up on Indian Idol 15 about taking over as the director for her upcoming Indira Gandhi biopic, Emergency. When asked if it was because other directors didn’t like her involvement, she shared her perspective on the situation.
During the show, contestant Manasi Ghosh expressed her admiration for Kangana and raised a question about directors mentioning her involvement in the direction and script of their films. She asked if that was the reason Kangana decided to take on directing her own movies.
What Are Your Expectations from ‘Emergency’?
The actress responded calmly, humorously dismissing the idea with a saying, suggesting that problems should be tackled at their source. She then clarified that the statement was untrue, expressing deep respect for the directors she’s worked with. She acknowledged their inspiration, mentioning how films like Queen, Tanu Weds Manu, Fashion, and Gangster influenced her to pursue filmmaking.
Kangana further explained that it’s perfectly fine if she doesn’t get along with one or two people from her team. She emphasized that you don’t need to change yourself for others’ approval. Reflecting on her 20-year career, she noted that only a few directors, actors, and heroes have truly succeeded. This led her to decide to nurture new talent.
While Kangana is credited as the co-director of Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi (2019), Emergency marks her directorial debut. She not only directed the film but also wrote, acted in, and co-produced it. The movie features a talented cast including Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, Mahima Chaudhry, Milind Soman, and Satish Kaushik.