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Cruelty-free vegan food for animals in Diamond City | Surat News

HomesuratCruelty-free vegan food for animals in Diamond City | Surat News

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Cruelty-free vegan food for animals in Diamond City

Surat: If vegan food is fast becoming popular among humans, there are animals in Diamond City who also have an option. An animal and bird shelter in the city is feeding vegan foods to animals, and they are liking it. Injured or sick animals brought to the shelter are also recovering well with the vegan food.
Prayas Team Environment (PTE) started experimenting with vegan food, and to their surprise, the animals who were earlier eating meat-based food are also liking it. Of the different types of animals and birds that are provided shelter here, dogs and cats are the animals that commonly consume meat-based food. But they immediately start eating the vegan food once offered.
“We are using vegan ghee and cheese while cooking. We cook the food using rice, grains and vegetables. It is liked by all types of animals at the shelter,” said Darshan Desai, volunteer, PTE.
Around 25 animals are daily fed vegan food, which includes severely injured or sick animals as well at the shelter
“As an NGO, we work for the well-being of those who cannot speak for themselves,” added Desai.
There is a range of food varieties that are cooked and prepared by the shelter to give alternate food dishes to the animals. The vegan food for animals provided here includes fibre and nutrition, such as soya paneer, soya crunch, soya nuggets, different vegetables, multi-grain dishes, jaggery, and soya paneer biscuit.
“When severely injured street dogs are rescued and brought here, they start eating vegan food in a day. It proves healthy for them as we can notice their timely recovery,” said Mehul Thakur another volunteer of PTE.
The shelter is developing the habit of vegan food among animals, and the pet owners are liking the idea. “It is widely believed that meat is the only source of protein for dogs, but from my experience, I can notice normal growth and health of my pet after a year of giving it vegan food. I have also learned cooking vegan food for my pet, which has improved its health,” said Nishith Desai, parent to an adopted mixed-breed dog, Olive. His pet was earlier with PTE shelter after rescue.

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