Salman Khan‘s mother, Salma Khan, recently celebrated her 83rd birthday with her family. Photos and videos shared online show her enjoying the moment with her sons, grandkids, and Helen, Salim Khan’s second wife.
Now, in inside photos and videos shared by Deanne Panday, Salma and Helen are seen dancing to ‘Dancing Queen,’ while the family cheered them on.
Check out the post here:
Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ played in the background during Salma Khan’s birthday celebration. A video also showed a large cake prepared for her special day. Guests sang ‘Baar Baar Din Ye Aaye’ as she blew out the candles and cut the cake.
Meanwhile, Salman had also shared a video on his X account where Salma was seen dancing with her sons. Sharing the video, Salman wrote, “Mummmmmyyyyy happy birthday… mother India, our world.”
Watch the video here:
Sohail Khan also paid tribute to their mother by sharing a series of videos from the celebration. He wrote, “Happy birthday Mother India,” along with a red heart emoji. The videos showed the Khan siblings and their family enjoying happy moments with Salma.
Salma has always been accepting of Salim’s marriage to Helen, and they now share a strong bond. The Khan family is very close-knit, with Salma and Helen often spending time together with the kids. Last year, Arbaaz Khan remarried at Arpita Khan‘s home.