Actor-filmmaker Sohail Khan celebrated his 54th birthday on Friday with love, laughter, and warm wishes from family and friends. The occasion was marked by an intimate gathering at a restaurant in Bandra, attended by his brother Arbaaz Khan, Arbaaz’s wife Sshura Khan, Sohail’s son Arhaan Khan, Aayush Sharma and close friends Bobby Deol and Tanya Deol.
Adding to the joy of the celebration, actor Suniel Shetty took to Instagram to share a heartfelt birthday wish for his dear friend. Suniel, who shares a strong bond with Sohail, posted a picture with him on his Instagram stories, affectionately calling him his “little brother.”
He wrote, “Sooooo….my forever little brother… wishing you a happy happy birthday. Stay blessed, keep shining, and always keep that smile alive! Lots of love always @sohailkhanofficial.” Sohail reshared the message on his Instagram and replied with gratitude, “Thank you so much Anna.”
The duo, known for their camaraderie both on and off-screen, have previously worked together in films like Lakeer – Forbidden Lines and Fight Club: Members Only, further cementing their friendship.
In addition to the birthday celebrations, Sohail recently shared a heartwarming family moment on Instagram. The post featured a beautiful family portrait from their mother Salma Khan’s birthday celebration. The photo captured Sohail alongside his siblings Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Arpita, and Alvira, with their parents Salim Khan and Salma Khan completing the picture.
Salma Khan looked elegant in a traditional outfit, while the rest of the family kept their attire casual, reflecting the warmth of the occasion. Sohail captioned the photo with a simple yet touching word: “Blessed,” accompanied by a red heart emoji.