AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu recently announced their separation after 29 years of marriage, leaving fans worldwide shocked. The couple, married since 1995, has three children – Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen – and has requested privacy during this difficult time. Their divorce lawyer Vandana Shah has now shared insights on custody arrangements for the children and the possibility of reconciliation between the estranged couple.
During an interview with Vickey Lalwani on his YouTube channel, Vandana explained that custody is not yet decided, adding, “Some of them are adults, they are free to choose who they stay with.” When asked about potential alimony, Vandana declined to comment but defended Saira, stating that she is not “money-minded” and has always kept a low profile.
Despite the separation, Vandana expressed hope for reconciliation, saying, “I have not said that reconciliation is not possible. I am an eternal optimist, and I always talk about love and romance. The joint statement is quite clear. It talks about pain and separation. It’s a long marriage and a lot of thought has gone into coming to this decision, but nowhere have I said that reconciliation is not possible.”
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Saira recently addressed rumours surrounding their divorce, explaining that she has been unwell and needed a break from AR Rahman. In a voice note, she praised Rahman, calling him “a gem of a person” and “the best man in the world.” She dismissed false allegations and urged people to stop linking their separation with bassist Mohini Dey’s recent divorce announcement.
Mohini Dey also addressed the rumours, calling Rahman a father figure and criticizing the “baseless assumptions” about her relationship with him. She urged everyone to respect their privacy and be sensitive.