Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann held mega roadshows in Model Town, Badli, and Rohini assembly constituencies, urging support for AAP candidates. The Punjab CM highlighted Arvind Kejriwal’s focus on schools, hospitals, electricity, and water, contrasting it with the BJP’s empty promises. Despite Amit Shah’s efforts in Delhi’s last elections, the BJP failed to win. Meanwhile, senior AAP leader and Punjab’s Finance Minister, Harpal Cheema led a Jansabha in Karol Bagh Assembly constituency today and Punjab’s Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains led a padyatra in Bijwasan Assembly constituencySeeing the overwhelming support during his roadshow in Model Town, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann stated, “It makes me feel like there’s no need for me to speak; your support speaks for itself.”Bhagwant Mann stated that people have grown to dislike politicians because they have destroyed the country. He asserted, “But Arvind Kejriwal talks about schools, hospitals, infrastructure, electricity, and water. Meanwhile, others make hollow promises like depositing Rs. 15 lakh in your accounts. Now, they’re saying they’ll give Rs. 2,500.”He appealed to the supporters and said the moment you press the ‘jhadu’ button, it’s as if you’ve entrusted the next five years of your children’s future into Arvind Kejriwal’s hands. He is someone who shapes destinies.“But don’t give your children’s future into the wrong hands—those who only take from you. They don’t talk about education, hospitals, or real issues. All they do is create divisions. We are not about fighting; we believe in unity. These divisive people—why are they dividing us? We are not here to talk about fights; we are here to talk about education,” the Punjab CM asserted.Bhagwant Mann stated, “If each of your family members casts their vote, the victory is certain. If two or three members of your household vote, the candidate will surely win. We are people who have risen from among you, and true governance is done by those who win hearts. Just having a crown doesn’t make someone a leader—after all, even a rooster has a crown on its head! When Arvind Kejriwal asks me where I went, I’ll tell him, ‘I went to Kamla Market.’ He’ll ask, ‘How was the response?’ I’ll say, ‘It was fantastic’.”During his roadshow in Badli, Bhagwant Mann urged supporters to ensure that Delhi records the highest voter turnout for AAP this time. He said, “If you deliver on this promise, I’ll tell my party chief that you kept your word. By 8:01 am on the 8th, results will start coming in. Remember to press the ‘jhadu’ button on 5th February. Don’t look at any other button, or it might bring misfortune. These corrupt people’s symbols should not even catch your eye.”Bhagwant Mann said, “There’s immense enthusiasm across Delhi, similar to what I witnessed in Punjab in 2022, Delhi in 2020, and 2015. Parvesh Verma is distributing shoes and money—does he think Delhiites are for sale? Democracy isn’t for sale. Arvind Kejriwal, a three-time MLA from New Delhi, will win again, setting records, and securing over 60 seats. Even Home Minister Amit Shah distributed pamphlets last time but couldn’t win. Delhiites will never support those spreading hatred. AAP doesn’t just lead in surveys, it forms governments.”Bhagwant Mann highlighted, “Today, Delhi’s electricity bills are zero, and in Punjab, 90% of households also get zero bills. Clean intentions make it possible. PM Modi mocked Arvind Kejriwal’s free ‘revdis’ but promised Rs. 2,500 to women after Arvind Kejriwal announced Rs. 2,100. They call our schemes ‘revdis,’ but now they’re handing out papads themselves.”Meanwhile, senior AAP leader and Punjab’s Education Minister, Harjot Singh Bains, led a padyatra in Bijwasan Assembly constituency. He posted on social media platform ‘X’, saying, “Today, I conducted a padyatra in the Bijwasan constituency and sought public support for Advocate Surender Bhardwaj. Arvind Kejriwal resides in the hearts of Delhiites, and the Aam Aadmi Party is winning the Bijwasan seat by a huge margin! #PhirLayengeKejriwal #DelhiMainTohKejriwal”Punjab Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema took to ‘X’ and stated: “Campaigned for Aam Aadmi Party Karol Bagh AC candidate Sh. Vishesh Ravi, a leader loved and respected for his honesty and good governance. Grateful for unwavering support of voters. Together, let’s ensure victory for Arvind Kejriwal Ji’s politics of progress once again.”