Why Fighting Mental Health Conditions is Crucial to Staying Positive – Part Two – Anxiety

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Motivational Speaker Jay Shetty recently took to his Twitter handle to share a positive message for people who are fighting through dark times. Dark times may come due to a variety of reasons; however, in the next four episodes, we will focus on four mental health conditions that stop us from leading a balanced and peaceful life.-Why Fighting Mental Health Conditions is Crucial part 2

Dealing with anxiety can be difficult; however, through proper care, one can address the issue immediately.-Why Fighting Mental Health Conditions is Crucial part 2

An article published on Healthline beautifully summarizes anxiety. Here’s what it says:

“Know that feeling of your heart beating faster in response to a stressful situation? Or perhaps, your palms get sweaty when you’re confronted with an overwhelming task or event.”

Feeling stressed or anxious is common; however, when you continuously feel anxious, it can be worrying. You must take action immediately. Here are a few ways to treat anxiety:

One: identify and manage your triggers

The Healthline article mentions the following:

You can identify triggers on your own or with a therapist. Sometimes they can be obvious, like caffeine, drinking alcohol, or smoking. Other times they can be less obvious.”

“When you do figure out your trigger, you should try to limit your exposure if you can. If you can’t limit it — like if it’s due to a stressful work environment that you can’t currently change — using other coping techniques may help,” the article further mentions.

We have all been in dark spaces. But it is the willingness to come out of it is what really matters.

In a recent post, Jay Shetty mentioned:

“If you find yourself in a dark time, know that this is just a stage or a season that will eventually come to an end”

Two: Adopt CBT

CBT or Cognitive Bevorial Therapy helps a person suffering from anxiety to think in many different ways that can assist him come out of the mental condition. CBT also helps the patient face anxiety-causing situations positively.

Three: Socialize 

Socializing can be a great stress buster. It helps a person to manage anxiety disorder effectively.

 The Healthline article mentions:

“Although each person is different, and some people experience social anxiety, spending time with friends and family on a regular basis may help you manage your anxiety.

Socialization can help relieve stress, encourage feelings of laughter and togetherness, and decrease loneliness. Research Trusted has shown that social connectedness can help you become more resilient to stress in the long run.”

In the next episode, we will explore how one can treat Bipolar Disorder.

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