From ancient civilizations to the modern world, our fascination with understanding the self in relation to the cosmos has only increased. Among techniques discovered by the curious minds of the past is observing various bodily functions such as the breath. Observing the natural process of breath can take an individual to great heights.
From deep meditative states to increasing awareness, observing breath can take you to elevated levels of consciousness and enlightenment. Is it possible to reach the furthest doorways of our mind merely by observing breath? Let us find out in the second part of the series, The Power of Breath: The Secret to Enlightenment. But first, please like the video and subscribe to our channel for more such content in the future. Push the bell icon to receive updates every time we upload a video.
From ancient civilizations to the modern world, our fascination with understanding the self in relation to the cosmos has only increased. Among techniques discovered by the curious minds of the past is observing various bodily functions such as the breath. Observing the natural process of breath can take an individual to great heights.
In the deep meditative state, the mind becomes completely still and the breath settles. In this state, a practitioner experiences various things. From seeing various colors to tickling sensations on the top of the head, the universe slowly begins to reveal many things.
From deep meditative states to increasing awareness, observing breath can take you to elevated levels of consciousness and enlightenment. Is it possible to reach the furthest doorways of our mind merely by observing breath? Let us find out in the second part of the series, The Power of Breath: The Secret to Enlightenment. But first, please like the video and subscribe to our channel for more such content in the future. Push the bell icon to receive updates every time we upload a video.
From ancient civilizations to the modern world, our fascination with understanding the self in relation to the cosmos has only increased. Among techniques discovered by the curious minds of the past is observing various bodily functions such as the breath. Observing the natural process of breath can take an individual to great heights.
In the deep meditative state, the mind becomes completely still and the breath settles. In this state, a practitioner experiences various things. From seeing various colors to tickling sensations on the top of the head, the universe slowly begins to reveal many things.
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