Nur Jahan had built this building, there is no roof, still not a drop of rain falls

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Rajkotમાં ડિજિટલ એરેસ્ટના ઠગબાજો પોલીસના સંકજામાં, EDના નામે કારખાનેદારને બનાવ્યા નિશાનરાજકોટમાં ડિજિટલ એરેસ્ટના ઠગબાજો પોલીસના સંકજામાં આવ્યા. ઠગબાજોએ EDના નામે કારખાનેદારને ડિજિટલ એરેસ્ટ કરી નિશાન બનાવતા લાખો રૂપિયા પડાવ્યા.કારખાનેદારની ફરિયાદ બાદ પોલીસ હરકતમાં...

Nur Jahan had built this building, there is no roof, still not a drop of rain falls

नूरजहां ने बनवाई ने थी यह इमारत, छत नहीं फिर भी नहीं गिरती बारिश की एक बूंद

— मेरठ शहर के इंदिरा चौक पर स्थित एक पुरानी इमारत है, जिसे हजरत शाहपीर साहब का मकबरा कहा जाता है। 

— हजरत शाहपीर साहब के मकबरे को उत्तर भारत का सबसे पुराना मकबरा माना जाता है।

— इतिहास के मुताबिक 1620 ई. में शेख शाह पीर साहेब के सम्मान में नूरजहां ने इस मकबरे का निर्माण करवाया था। 

— कहा जाता है कि नूरजहां अपने शौहर जहांगीर की कुछ आदतों से परेशान थीं, इसके लिए वह मेरठ आकर शाह पीर बाबा से मिलीं तब शाह पीर ने उन्हें कुछ वस्तुएं देते हुए कहा कि तुम्हारी समस्या हल हो जाएगी। 

— शाह पीर के आशीर्वाद से कुछ ही दिन बाद जहांगीर के अंदर कुछ बदलाव दिखने शुरू हो गए।

— इसके बाद से ही नूरजहां शाहपीर की मुरीद हो गईं और इन्हें अपना धार्मिक गुरू मान लिया। — कहा जाता है कि जब मकबरा बनवाया जा रहा था तब जहांगीर को कहीं बंदी ​बना लिया गया था, तब इस मकबरे का निर्माण रोक दिया गया।

— यह कुदरत का करिश्मा ही है कि इस अधूरे मकबरे में छत नहीं है फिर भी बारिश की एक भी बूंद इसमें नहीं गिरती है। 

— लाल पत्थर से बनी यह इमारत वर्तमान में पुरातत्व विभाग के संरक्षण में है।

Nur Jahan had built this building, there is no roof, still not a drop of rain falls

— There is an old building located at Indira Chowk in Meerut city, which is called the Tomb of Hazrat Shahpir Sahib.

—The tomb of Hazrat Shahpir Sahib is considered to be the oldest tomb of North India.

— According to history, Noorjahan had built this tomb in 1620 AD in honor of Sheikh Shah Peer Saheb.

— It is said that Nur Jahan was troubled by some habits of her husband Jahangir, for this she came to Meerut and met Shah Peer Baba, then Shah Peer gave her some things and said that your problem will be solved.

  • With the blessings of Shah Pir, after a few days, some changes started appearing in Jahangir.
  • After this, Nurjahan became a fan of Shahpir and accepted him as her religious teacher. — It is said that when the tomb was being built, Jahangir was made captive somewhere, then the construction of this tomb was stopped.

—It is a miracle of nature that this incomplete tomb has no roof yet not a single drop of rain falls in it.

—This building made of red stone is currently under the protection of the Archeology Department.

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