Motives for Murder: Why do People Kill? 

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People kill for a variety of reasons. From a physical fight turning deadly to religion to sexual, the reasons for killing are many.

While it is true that there are varied reasons for people turning into murderers, one of the most fundamental answers every criminal psychologist and forensic expert seeks is the motive behind the crime. 

The motive and method for killing are widely different when it comes to men and women. While there are several studies related to why people kill, evolutionary biology seems to provide some light.

According to evolutionary biology, we are a result of our ancestors. The kind of behavior they adopted has been ingrained in us. So if we were to believe in evolutionary biology, we kill because our ancestors killed. The reason our ancestors killed was to ensure the safety of our family line. While there may be some truth to it, there are counterarguments to it. 

An article published on Science. How Stuff Works mentions the following: 

“…Scientists from different disciplines have criticized evolutionary biology, saying that it oversimplifies human behavior and serves as a genetic excuse for bad behavior. While there is scientific consensus that the human brain is the product of evolution, there’s a gap between those who think our brains are in Stone Age mode and those who say the brain is much more flexible than evolutionary biologists admit.”

Again, men and women choose different methods of killing. After studying several murder cases, it was found that men use blunt objects or firearms to kill their victims, whereas women use sharp objects. Women react more violently while killing and are often victims whom they know.

Thomas Nilsson, a researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, says, “The act of killing among male offenders seems to be part of an aggressive antisocial lifestyle, characterized by impulsivity, externalizing behaviors, and previous criminality. Female homicide offenders don’t seem to be characterized by the aggressive antisocial traits that are so typical for male offenders.”

The killing also depends on the motive of the murderer. It can be anything ranging from jealousy, hatred, sexual orientation, politics, thievery, abusive partner, inheritance, insurance money, rivalry, and even flawed reasoning.

There are a multitude of reasons behind a person taking to murderous ways that can never be fully explained. While there is a lot to learn about murderers and serial killers, there is always a choice in what we truly want to become.

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